Executive Coaching

Invest in Your Greatest Business Asset: You & Your Team

Executive Coaching & Corporate Leadership Training

Human capital is the greatest commodity in a business, and yet for so many leaders, being pulled in a million directions means:

  • Time spent with their team is secondary to accomplishing tasks and reaching revenue goals.

  • A staff that is underdeveloped which causes failures in your ability to lead your company to the next level.

  • Deficits in your management team consistently occur at exactly the wrong time: when you need them to perform.

  • That means upleveling your organization happens in a shotgun, high-stakes way leaving little room for leadership development.

  • Instead you train on skills needed at a critical moment versus investing in the growth of your team.

  • This high-pressure situation creates burnout amongst your executives and increases their desire to seek out opportunities that are less stressful and more meaningful to their lives.

  • Leaving you with holes in your leadership team exactly when you want to move out of crisis mode.

Human capital is the greatest commodity in a business, and yet for so many leaders, being pulled in a million directions means:

At ID360 Inc Our Executive Coaching Programs

Develop Life-Long


Reduce Stress, Burnout & Turnover

Insulate Your Company From Crisis

That is Why Executive Coaching is Essential

Executive coaching is the critical step for developing thoughtful leadership amongst your team so you are prepared for the future. Organizations are at risk when their leadership vision is not integrated into the decision-making of key players. Effective leadership requires being on the same page with your core leadership team.

If your organization has experienced any of the following, executive coaching can help repair, reset and align your team towards a brighter future:

  • Ineffective leadership and team motivation

  • Poor management decisions

  • Promoting the wrong candidates

  • Lengthy decision-making, costing you time and money

  • Misalignment between stake-holders and your team

  • Mismanagement of resources: either staff, time, or money

  • Missing your target goals time and again

  • Loss of vital staff

  • Loss of revenue, contracts or opportunities due to making poor decisions

ID360's Executive Coaching Difference

ID360's coaching process targets specific goals, aligns the goals with the organization and then offers practical, proven, and guaranteed methods for success. We also incorporate the “Stakeholder’s Model” so the people on your team who are deeply influential to your organization’s success are part of the process.

We Focus on 3 Key Drivers in Executive Coaching for Maximum Results:

An accurate snapshot of leadership effectiveness right now. To determine this we complete 360 Assessments and behavioral interviews with key stakeholders to ensure that the leadership team has complete insight into leadership effectiveness and areas for development.

An aspirational leadership model that is authentic to the individual’s leadership style and personality. We work with the leadership team to define their Authentic Leadership Model. This model allows us to identify critical areas for training, coaching and growth that will result in the success metrics identified.

An effective and efficient roadmap to bridge the two. Using our Stakeholder-Centered Coaching approach, we leverage those who work with the leader(s) to drive change through daily execution on the job.

Success is found by integrating the stakeholder’s needs with that of the team. The results include:

  • Improved culture/business performance across business sectors influenced by the leader

  • Increased leadership recognition and value as someone with high potential and influence with their team and across the organization

  • Greater awareness amongst key stakeholders, top management, and the board as a valued leader

  • Professional career advancement

  • Upleveled communication amongst key players in the organization

  • Higher focus so goals are reached faster, with greater motivation and ease

  • Improved decision making and open-minded perspectives that support the organization as a whole

  • Increased self-awareness and executive presence

  • Greater adaptability and flexibility

  • Readiness for change

  • Increased team cohesion

  • Stronger development of key managers/leaders and readiness for replacements

  • Integration of people leader skills such that your team is ready for the future

Outcome-driven executive coaching and stakeholder involvement produces a strong positive ripple effect in the team and organization as a whole. By systematically involving stakeholders, we positively reinforce several factors:

  • Stakeholders buy-in to the leader’s change efforts and become supporters, not cynical bystanders.

  • As the leader progresses from new behaviors, into new habits and into micro-processes, these changes are naturally embedded in the surrounding ecosystem and company culture.

  • Stakeholders look out for and perceive leadership growth, boosting the leader’s motivation to change, which in turn benefits stakeholders.

  • Mentoring and coaching become part of the organization’s culture, reducing ineffective management strategies in favor of ones that genuinely produce desired results.

Led By Kim Zoller, Executive Coach, Entrepreneur, Author & Founder of ID360

For over three decades, Kim Zoller has transformed more than 200,000 lives through ID360's training and executive coaching. Her signature Kim Zoller Method™ reflects her core philosophy that lasting change happens from the inside out. This proven approach now extends beyond Kim through carefully selected executive coaches who share her vision and methodology.

As an executive coach, Kim believes in the idea that change is a measurable thing. As such, her leadership assessments are the backbone of her programs. When you work with the ID360 team, you will learn how to lead your team with repeatable, measurable skills that fit for both your personality, skills and goals.

Kim is not just an executive coach with 30+ years of experience, she is a “people person” who understands psychologically what underpins growth and team development making her leadership behind the scenes critical to your success.

Integration Between Executives, Senior Leaders & Management Team

Using The Stakeholder-Centered Coaching approach, our coaching model works with both the leadership team and those who work with the leader to drive change through daily execution on the job. This tandem approach allows managers, HR, and other influential employees to actively participate in the solutions.

With this approach, everyone involved benefits as the influence of executive coaching flows from the top down.

Our Stakeholder Centered Coaching Process is 100% Guaranteed & Measurable

The ID360 team is trained and certified in the stakeholder-centered coaching methodology developed by world-renowned business educator and coach, Dr. Marshall Goldsmith.

Our “No Growth, No Pay” guarantee ensures optimal alignment between our team, your organization and your leadership. This is how we guarantee that your team, leadership and stakeholders all work towards achieving the same aligned results.

Our online measurement tool, developed by Marshall Goldsmith, surveys the stakeholders throughout the executive coaching process to measure leadership growth and progress.

Payment is due only when the stakeholders perceive that the leader is measurably more effective through a year-long engagement.

Measuring Effectiveness: The 360 Degree Leadership Assessment

Measuring effective leadership growth must go beyond opinions and simple dollar signs. That’s why The Global Leader of the Future (GLOF) 360 assessment is used to measure the skills and competencies that today’s global leaders need. By exploring leadership skills across 15 core competencies, our 360 leadership assessment allows us to not only identify blindspots, underdeveloped skills and hidden strengths among your team but we also determine emerging leaders within your organization and the critical areas they need to develop in order to succeed as effective leaders.

But the GLOF is just one assessment tool we use. Given the depth of experience on the ID360 team, Kim and her team handpick the most impactful assessment tools for your team based on the demands of your specific coaching situation and needs.

Why Executive Coaching Is Critical For Developing Your Team

Executive coaching will determine the points in your leadership where your efforts are misaligned with your goals. That includes the critical steps to develop your team so your goals are managed efficiently and aligned with your vision for the future.

At your level, reaching your goals is so much more than one single person’s effort. And yet making the wrong decisions about who to promote because you believe they deserve the confidence to operate autonomously is a linchpin decision.

When the wrong people are promoted, like a house of cards, your goals fall down.

Insulating your future from this kind of misstep is critical. Executive coaching to align your vision, team and goals is how you reduce the incessant churn of employee mismatches and develop a management team that wins.

Executive Coaching Options & Pricing

Our executive coaching model changes companies in profound ways and reshapes the future for organizations plagued by mismanagement, ineffective leadership, and turnover. It also works incredibly well for leaders who feel stuck or unable to connect their team to mutually aligned goals.

The reality is, when leadership and staff are not working from the same playbook, organizations are riddled with extraneous costs, lost opportunities and staffing problems. We change behaviors, create new processes, form new habits and reshape the company culture so this pattern ends. All coaching is customized and driven by the desired outcomes and the person or group being coached.

To decide if this kind of executive coaching solution is right for you, the first step is a phone call with our team. Schedule a call with Kim and her team to explore if a custom Executive Coaching program is right for you.

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